Brooks P. Leitner, PhD

Science, Philosophy, and a Little Medicine


MD/PhD Program

Yale University

New Haven, CT

Originally inspired by the fact that ultramarathon runners used cheeseburgers and M&Ms for fuel as I volunteered for their 100 mile races, I’ve come to appreciate the metabolic flexibility of both the body and the mind. I mean, is running for 20 hours straight more of a physical or mental feat?

Now that you’re thinking about it, is that same fuel going to both the muscles and the brain?


May 26, 2023 My first in-person Hackathon! I pitched with team Monarch Mile at the Yale Center for Biomedical Innovation and Technology Hackathon about a platform to connect breast cancer survivors with evidence-based resources for integrative health products.
Jan 15, 2016 A simple inline announcement with Markdown emoji! :sparkles: :smile:
Nov 7, 2015 A long announcement with details

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  1. PNAS
    Mapping of Human Brown Adipose Tissue in Lean and Obese Young Men
    PNAS, Jul 2017